About Us
Discover. Create. Learn. Grow
At P.S. 189M, we strive to bring out each student’s unique abilities and talents. Our school is a safe, welcoming space to learn where students feel like they are among family. Our academic and enrichment programs nurture independent thinkers, confident leaders, and lifelong learners who are prepared for the challenges of the 21st Century. We offer:
A rigorous, engaging curriculum infused with technology and the arts.
An active, inquiry-based approach to learning called Project-Based Learning (PBL).
A wide variety of extracurricular activities and fun after-school programs.
A strong focus on social and emotional development, citizenship, and social causes.
Vision & Values
We strive to create a positive, safe learning
environment that meets the social and emotional needs of every student. That starts with character education and behavioral programs that model, communicate and reinforce clear expectations for behaviors in and out of the classroom. Our staff and students uphold these values:
Strive for success
Treat others with respect
Act responsibly
Respect the environment
Show self-control

School Goals
ELA/Literacy Goal
We will increase the percent of students performing on levels 3 & 4 in the New York State ELA Assessment to 48% for all students. Mathematics Goal We will increase the percent of students performing on levels 3 & 4 in the New York State Mathematics Assessment to 45% for all students. Safety & Restorative Approaches to Behavior Goal We will increase positive teacher responses to Supportive Environment on the NYC Teacher Survey to 85%. Chronic Absenteeism Goal Reduce school’s chronic absenteeism rate by 3.5% compared to prior year.

Our curriculum is aligned to the Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS) and meets all New York State and NYC DOE educational standards. We offer a biliteracy program to build bilingualism, English proficiency, and academic achievement for English Learners. Our core programs include:
English Language Arts/Literacy: Fundations (phonics/word study); ReadyGen (K-2); Engage NY Expeditionary Learning (3-5)
Writing: Units of Study
Math: Illustrative Mathematics.
Science: Amplify Science
Social Studies: NYCDOE’s Passport to Social Studies

Technology Integration
Technology is infused throughout the curriculum. Students and teachers love our New Youtube Podcast classroom, state-of-the-art Mac Computer Lab, the Robin Hood Library/ Multimedia Center, and 70-inch Promethean Monitors and SMART Boards in classrooms. Students in K-5 have 1:1 access to Chromebooks in the classroom. Other technology programs include:
Typing instruction for 2nd – 5th grade students
Youtube Podcast Studio
Google Apps account for every student
Inquiry-Based Science Lab
Lego Robotics
Coding, Newspaper & Video Clubs

Project Based Learning
Project-Based Learning (PBL) is a research-based instructional model built around student-led inquiry and hands-on learning. Students engage with grade-level standards and content within the context of real-world challenges. Each year, students participate in two or more PBL units, which incorporate academics with critical thinking, creativity, communication, collaboration, and leadership skills. At the end of each cross-curricular unit, students complete a final project that they design themselves. Many of these units incorporate social causes (such as water pollution, recycling, or voting rights) and college and career skills (such as our 5th grade Business PBL unit).

P.S. 189’s primary mathematics curriculum for grades K-4 is Go Math! and grade 5 uses Go Math! and Algebra for All.
In our Problem Solvers program the students learn the same content as in the primary curriculum but they problem solve by applying different strategies. Students are also engaged in differentiated mathematics technology instruction via Khan Academy, Think Central, Zearn, and/or Compass Odyssey. All of our programs are Common Core aligned. At PS189M we use the concrete, representational and abstract (CRA) approach. We use manipulatives, draw models and finally use equations and number sentences to promote a deep conceptual understanding of mathematics.

School occupational therapists (OT) are key contributors within the education team. They support a student’s ability to participate in desired daily school activities or “occupations.” They help children to fulfill their role as students by supporting their academic achievement and promoting positive behaviors necessary for learning. School occupational therapists support academic and non-academic outcomes, including social skills, math, reading and writing (i.e., literacy), behavior management, recess, participation in sports, self-help skills, prevocational/ vocational participation, transportation, and more. Occupational therapy practitioners have specific knowledge and expertise to increase participation in school routines throughout the day.At PS189M, we focus on the students’ strengths, and can design and implement programming to improve inclusion and accessibility.

The Arts
We have a strong tradition of arts, music, and performance. This tradition now continues through our many arts partnership programs. Visual and digital arts are also infused into our project-based curriculum. Students have plenty of opportunities to create with traditional media (drawing, painting, crafting) and digital technologies such as iMovie.
1 to 2 periods of art instruction weekly for grades K – 5
1 to 2 periods of music instruction weekly for grades K – 5
National Dance Institute (Grades 1 and 4)
Ballroom dance (5th grade)
Chess (3rd Grade)

Physical Education
Our Physical Education program includes:
Sports & Health in the City
Swim for Life
CHALK (Choosing Healthy & Active Lifestyles for Kids)
CAMs Classroom
Move to Improve
Physical Education Overview
By aligning our program to New York State Physical Education Learning Standard, we are providing every student a variety of physical activities and utmost challenges that may contribute to their physical, cognitive and affective development.
Students learn to demonstrate the qualities of basic movement as they perform various fundamental locomotor movements (running, hopping, skipping, jumping, sliding and galloping) and non-locomotor movements (bending, twisting, turning, stretching, pushing and pulling).

We are very proud of the many partnerships we have developed in our community. The programs these partners provide span technology, the arts, social-emotional development, and more. Every partnership and collaboration the school engages in is initiated with the idea of developing skills that will improve student outcomes, preparing our student for success in school and career.

At PS189M, we're all about collaboration and education! Our team is led by a dedicated principal and assistant principal who, together with their supportive teachers, paraprofessionals, and out of classroom teachers, all strive to ensure the highest quality educational experience for our students. If you have any questions, feel free to email us today!
Click or tap the button below to contact a member of our out of classroom staff