School partnerships are an important part of any education system. They provide a unique opportunity for schools to collaborate, share resources, and build relationships with other educational institutions. Schools can also partner with organizations outside of the education system, giving students the opportunity to gain real-world experience and knowledge. By working together, schools can create a stronger educational environment for all students.

MATB is a sequential, multi-year curriculum conceived and developed by the 42nd Street Fund that demonstrates the link between early musical instruction and cognitive ability. MATB goals include using music literacy and piano repertoire to develop critical thinking, fine motor skills and focus.
A rigorous music education improves spatial-temporal reasoning skills of young children resulting in improved mathematical skills, pattern recognition and abstract reasoning. Music education also improves literacy skills resulting in better language acquisition, reading and speech. Finally, music education improves attention and listening skills, problem solving skills, critical thinking, socialization, and enhances creativity, self-expression and self-esteem.
Inwood Community Services provides opportunity for 210 students in grades Kindergarten through fifth to participate in the COMPASS after school and summer programs. The program allows students to engage in a variety of academic, recreational, enrichment and cultural activities to support and strengthen their overall development. The after school program integrates literacy into all instruction; offers homework help, basic arts instruction and physical activity, including nutritional programming to promote healthy living.
​To contact our Program Director Edward Rigaud, email or call us at any time.

Chess-in-the-Schools fosters the intellectual and social development of our students through chess education. To date, Chess in the Schools has taught hundreds of thousands of low-income students in New York City schools, inspiring them to greater achievement. At PS189M, we use chess to teach social skills, critical thinking, problem solving, and the mental discipline needed to succeed in school and in life.
The program teaches our third grade students the complex game of chess, providing them with the opportunity to collaborate with peers and develop critical thinking, problem solving and decision-making skills.
Fourth grade classes participate in the Project Start Science program provided by Yeshiva University students. The program enriches science instruction, providing students with the opportunity to conduct hands-on science experiments aligned to the New York City Scope and Sequence.
Our partnership with Yeshiva University extends beyond science to include small group tutoring. Students who are struggling in mathematics receive this support throughout the year. Instructional focus is determined by the classroom teachers based on current student performance.
To expand learning opportunities for students whose families face language barriers and literacy challenges, we are partnering with local high school students to implement a program, Teens Involved in Education (TIE), where high school students work with our students to provide tutoring/homework assistance.
For the SY 2018-2019 we will partner with New York Presbyterian Hospital and participate in, Choosing Healthy & Active Lifestyles for Kids (CHALK). CHALK will support us to implement a healthy lifestyles program for the students, staff and families at PS 189. The goal of the program is obesity prevention through education, environmental change, and connecting schools with resources.
The New York Presbyterian Hospital's Turn 2 Us program funded by Derek Jeter ‘Turn 2 Foundation, Inc. engages a group of our fourth & fifth grade students and motivates them to excel in their school work and relationship with peers. This program supports our students’ positive social-emotional development and sets high expectations for individual student academic progress. The activities are designed to teach students the value of teamwork and develop their ability to express themselves in a healthy fashion. Such activities sponsored by the Turn 2 Us program are the PS 189 co-ed basketball and baseball teams.
Fraternidad de Los Angeles provides adult learning programs to our school community. Parents participate in Parenting Skills training, Parent/Child activities, Saturday classes in cooking, dance, yoga, ballet, sports and others based on parent feedback and needs.
Time Bank, aides us in further integrating our community with other communities in New York City. This partnership allows our parents to share professional and personal skills with other communities who have a need for assistance in these areas. The time donated is banked and then requested in specific areas as needed by the school and community.
Literacy Inc. (LINC) supports us in building strong partnerships between our families, educators and community. They sponsor school wide events such as; Academic Family Nights, VIP Parent trainings, T.I.G.E.R. reading activities, Reading Buddies and contests, to name a few.
Our commitment to the social-emotional well-being of our students, many of whom face daunting life challenges, is a priority. Students and their families receive essential School-Based Mental Health services through our partnership with Columbia Presbyterian Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital. This program provides a full-time on-site Psychologist who provides essential and critical services directly to our students and their families. A series of Parenting Workshops are offered to engage parents in relevant and important topics.

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These partnerships can also help to foster a sense of community and shared responsibility, while providing students with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the future. By working together, schools and their partners can create lasting, positive impacts on their students and the wider community.